Tuesday 19 November 2013

Café Noir Reflective Analysis

Our class was split up into groups of about four or five members, we were all set the task of devising a short sequence consisting of ten shots. My particular group had to do a film of the genre Film Noir. We got to work straightaway with me coming up with the story and it being drawn onto storyboards. Although we worked well together on this task, it was probably the least enjoyable part of the task as a whole, even though I managed to come up with an idea for the story pretty much straight off, it did take a while longer to choose what shots we would actually compose and then get these and the details on to our storyboard.
The filming was the next part of the task and this seemed to go well apart from the fact that two members of my team did nothing and it was only me and Liam who actually seemed to be doing anything. When it came to editing, only me and Liam actually turned up but we worked well together and produced the film to the best of our ability. I found the editing the most enjoyable part of the task as this was the first time I'd done such a thing. It was a hard task to complete but we worked at best as we could in the time provided and got it finished to a moderate standard. Overall I think our sequence was a success considering most groups had four or five members and mine only had two working members, we completed the task on time and it was nowhere near as bad as I imagined it would be.

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